Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Just War

(I'm plagiarising this from a friend - cheers LJ!)

Given the innumerable deaths every year from disease one would think that conservatives, with their "culture of life", might welcome the advance of stem-cell research as a tough but necessary way to protect human life in the long term. If diseases such as cancer and AIDS could be eradicated the way that polio and scarlett fever have been, then millions of "God's Creatures" would be saved.

Evangelical conservatives instead decry the 'attack' on a fertilized egg due to the harm done to an 'innocent'.

I suggest , therefore, that we declare war on disease. Apparently once one places a society in a state of war (even if one's enemy is an abstraction - terror or drugs, for example) then killing becomes a justifiable act.

If stem-cell research is thus characterized, then the 'deaths' of embryos in order to furnish the DNA for research is comparable to the deaths of innocent men, women and children in Baghdad and Fallujah: collateral damage if you will.

These embryos are not the targets of the attack, just as innocents in Iraq are not the targets of American bombs - to target innocents in war would make it unjust. But if the target is a malevolent force that threatens one's own life, then causing the deaths of innocents in order to fight this force is a justifiable act.

War is a fact of life, and the sooner you lily-livered conservatives accept it the better!


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