Thursday, May 18, 2006

Pennsylvania Democratic Primary

The Democrats of Pennsylvannia overwhelmingly nominated Bob Casey, Jr to run against Rick Santorum on Tuesday. Casey is a fiscal liberal but is anti-choice, anti-gun control. He has a good chance of winning in November.

Democrats beware!

In a scramble for the center-right, the Republicans will win more than they will lose. It's their agenda and the debate is, therefore, on their terms and in their language. We know that a meaningful and lasting victory will not come about by trying to emulate the more populist elements of GOP policies yet we continue to do it.

Casey may be a great candidate and a valuable asset in the Senate. He is certainly experienced - which is more than can be said for his Primary challengers - but he hardly represents the core values of Democratic politics.

If voters possess conservative values, what is going to make them favor Casey over Santorum?


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