Friday, June 09, 2006

Ann Coulter, Demon or Demonizer?

It appears that Ann Coulter has a new book out in which she suggests that Liberalaism is just another religion; a Godless one.

Additionally she implies on her website that us pesky Liberals have contrived to gag her by hiding her books in the back of the shops. While I would love for this to be true, her paranoia is disingenuous. It may occasionally work to adopt the wounded martyr position, but not when you are selling millions of books! The truth is that her work is widely promoted in most bookshops, ( know because I have seen it!).

As for the book's proposition, it seems somewhat asinine. Liberal politics does have certain central tenets, as does any section of the political spectrum, this doesn't make it a religion.

Ultimately, of course, it doesn't matter if what she says really makes sense or not. That's not the point of the book.

Coulter's stock in trade is the practice of demonizing those who disagree with her while being unabashedly intolerant and insensitive. Rather than being a strength this actually ends up looking more like a weakness. Name-calling is generally a juvenile practice and is typically reserved for those who have exhausted (or failed to develop) rational arguments.

Her vitriolic attacks on Liberals and Liberalism possess an air of petulance, and ultimately add nothing to reasonable political discourse where, it's worthwhile remembering, it is generally accepted that people may disagree. Adults respect the rights of others to hold contradictory opinions. Ann Coulter despises and villifies anyone who does not share her beliefs.


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