Thursday, June 14, 2007

Creation Museum

It's a little difficult to know where to begin with the 'Creation Museum' that recently opened in Kentucky. There is so much wrong there that I don't think I can cover it one post. I'll just say this:

The worst thing about this 'museum' is not that it is filled with glaring inaccuracies and blatently made-up 'facts'. It is that it has crystalized into a physical, permanent structure a disturbing trend in American society - intellectual laziness.

This institution tells its visitors that analytical thought, objective skepticism, and even a minimal requirement of proof are not necessary before one makes 'factual' claims. The creators of these exhibits have felt completely at ease in just making things up, relying on a faith-driven instinct that what they conclude must be the truth simply because it is buttresed by a strong pillar of Christianity.

This is the exact opposite of the processes of science that led us out of the dark ages (not uncoincidentally the peak of Christian influence) into the modern world. We must stand up to this head-in-the-sand zealotry and anti-intellectualism. It is simply not acceptable to say that because you believe something, it must be true. It is even less acceptable to then present your imagined reality in a way that deliberately emulates scientific museums around the world so as to appear credible and scientific while actually being the exact opposite.


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