Thursday, March 01, 2007

Contemptible Witch

Once again, Ann Coulter has trotted out that old chestnut that environmentalists are all wealthy liberals who live in big houses and never consider or care how their expensive environmental policies will impact the poor, down-trodden, middle-class American.

Firstly, there are a many conservative environmentalists out there. True, they often want to preserve wild areas so that they can go and shoot things in them, but they definitely want to protect the environment - which is a good start.

Secondly, it is the wealthy people like Coulter who never seem to realize that energy costs money and that using less of it means less expenditure for the average person. She can afford to obstinately drive a Hummer or some such ridiculously large vehicle in order to prove to liberals that they can't tell her what to do. For those of us without bestsellers to pay the bills, having a Prius (which she derides so contemptuously), or more energy-efficient home appliances, means a large reduction in costs and more money in our pockets.

The technology these products rely on, is only available because the wealthier, environmentally-conscious, liberals (whom she despises) are willing to purchase them when they are first produced, thus creating demand and driving down costs. Without these people, Toyota would never have produced a Prius.

Far from these people being selfish, then, they voluntarily pay higher prices for environmentally-friendly products and in doing so, contribute to the greater good. Coulter, conversely, does all she can to make living more expensive by deriding environmental concerns that ultimately lead to more efficient (and therefore, affordable) products for the average American.

She, of course, never feels the effect of her actions due to her ample wealth.


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